DES: We Empower Innovation

At DES, we create software and technology that helps the latest generation of engineers to improve the world. We can be the innovative and dedicated technology partner you need in today's complex technology industries.

Advanced Mobile Apps & Web Applications

We have over 18 years of experience designing and building custom apps for the web, Windows, Android, and Apple. We can help you create a correct data model for information, examine your existing data and processes, and create a web or mobile app that will streamline your operations.

RFID Operations Augmentation

Whether you're trying to wrangle parts and assemblies, rental fleet items, important physical documents, or even livestock, we have the expertise to adapt RFID tracking technology to your situation and workflow to automate and streamline those operational tasks that drag down your workforce's efficiency.

Precision Timing & Scoring

DES has been developing RFID identification and timing technology successfully for over 12 years. We can pull the data out real-time and develop custom applications that use that data, such as scoring websites, digital scoreboards, and apps for mobile devices.

Event WiFi and Communications

We have over 15 years of experience designing & planning mobile networks. We can help you assess your needs and their locations, create a cost-effective plan that will meet as many of your requirements as possible, and show up and make it all happen.

Expertise & Technology Equipment, Delivered

Our network of in-house and contracted experts can provide intelligent assistance to many types of technical projects. Plus, our extensive list of technology support rental equipment covers tablets and phones to RFID scanners and everything between!

Technology Prototyping

With our headquarters in such a technology center as Huntsville, we have local access to an amazing array of development, prototyping, system testing, and low-rate production facilities and capabilities. We can leverage them to your benefit!

Commercial & Industrial WiFi

Business and industrial customers need solid, seamless WiFi and networking for today's connected manufacturing world. We've got you covered!

  • WiFi coverage for large facilities or campuses
  • Seamless roaming, easy connectivity between buildings
  • Centrally managed, by our professionals or by your local IT staff
  • Easily grow and extend coverage in the future
  • Advanced security, firewalls, and remote-access VPNs where desired

Consistent network access today is, in some places, even more important than electricity. Stop fighting flaky WiFi or different network names in each building! Contact us today about how we can simplify and solidify your wireless infrastructure.

Copyright © 2019 Digital Engineering Solutions, LLC. ‐ PO Box 2198 ‐ Madison, AL 35758